Over the years of being a escort it still amazes me how many Gentlemen seem to think they do not need to introduce themselves and that companions do not actually Select whom they wish to engage with. It makes me wonder if some men enjoy being treated like a walking wallet and another number because they are acting like they are. Honestly to me personally when you message without a introduction all you are is a phone number like the 20+ others in the few hours before you also displaying such little etiquette, respect and knowledge of how to engage professionally with a companion. Either a Auto response is sent asking for information or your ignored if my Auto response is off. I just do not have the patience for men whom clearly do not respect me or have the decency to respect my time enough to read prior to contacting me.

In the past when I actually bothered reading hobbyist boards (I avoid men who use these woman demeaning websites now), but reading how your treated like a number and not made too feel as though your important. I think your inquiry method if your not introducing yourself makes you come across as a man who is just chasing what is available with little respect for the companion your messaging.
Again every persons business is ran differently, but I do believe every companion would prefer a longer introduction, a man who has read, provides a clear booking request and also acknowledgement of deposit methods etc. Where as many companions will not bother responding to gentlemen who do not introduce themselves, all companions would prefer a man who does.
My advice to Gentlemen who are actually seeking meaningful and memorable experiences is make your companion of choice know you have read about them, provide all information necessary for gaining a meeting- provide your real name (too many 'John and Bob's' around these days), a little about yourself and all the screening information required by your companion. Most have personal websites these days with more information on how to contact appropriately.
Not every person will get along and for me I just cannot have sex (even for work) with someone I cannot get along with, feel comfortable and have a intellectual connection. I look forward to seeing every Gentleman I engage with and this is because those Mr no names are just ignored. They bore me as-well as gentlemen who call when I accept no free phone calls- sorry heavy breathers call and waste someone else's time. All of my call's are diverted and those that do call basically inform me they have not read and I'm simply not interested in having to explain everything, and those who are serious pre-book and prepay for a phone consultation which is deducted from the booking total if a booking results from the call- too many men try to have free phone sex or someone to listen to them.. No thanks not without compensation for my time.
The fact I operate my business in this manner and do make my time more exclusive, sure I turn away thousands of dollars daily- (how many of those would legitimately follow through I am not sure). But by doing this I reserve my energy and body for those who are worthy of my time and actually appreciate me so much and always show me so in their longer dates and generosity. I much prefer to work like this- and while I appreciate some gentlemen think its necessary for a woman in my occupation too meet strangers without names in the middle of the night, its really not. I function just fine running my business like this and my mental, physical and emotional health is much better for it. So please keep your opinions of me requiring too much information for you and the fact that others do not require deposits to yourself, or just be smart read first and contact someone else if you do not think its acceptable for a woman too feel safe and secure in this occupation.
All of my bookings are pre-booked and I am grateful approximately 93% of my engagements result in another date- I very rarely see a person only once and most of those whom I do are on holidays. Everyone in this business is a little different, each business is also ran a little different.
For example I am not full time- I work via appointment, I like to wash my hair before each date, ensure my appearance is up to keep and really do prefer to only do one longer booking during the one business day. I like having relaxed timings that come with longer dates and overnights and really love going on short holidays with my Regulars. Some of my favorite trips have been Daintree Rainforest, Fraser Island and Maleny.
I have been in this industry since I was 21 turning 22 ( a dancer prior too that) , it's taken me years to be sorted enough and comfortable enough in the business to turn away so many enquirers but the past 2 years working like this and the stricter I get the happier I am. I feel so much safer and I have worked extremely hard to be able to be exclusive to select gentlemen and be more particular with my screening and booking process,.
I remember when I was not so lucky and have too many tales from when I first started Private work. I knew no one in this side of the industry and well many are not welcoming to new comers, I had to navigate everything on my own, it was scary and I had many experiences I wish I didn't. I really hope with so many resources being available now free for ladies starting up on their own I hope they are able to avoid dangerous situations and have the social confidence to contact support resources that could possibly help them while adjusting to Private work.
While I acknowledge this is not feasible for all too have such methods I am very grateful for how I am able to conduct my business now. So in saying all of this I do not compromise my newly improved levels of happiness and comfort for anyone- I don't care if your royalty without name, proper introduction and etiquette with deposit I will not see you- In a modern society there is literally no excuse for no deposits and no excuse for improper etiquette.
So what was the point of this post- I guess I am putting it out there to Gentlemen or phone numbers/walking wallets which every you would prefer to be seen as. I get some people probably enjoy the anonymity and there are ladies who appreciate that but I am not one of them. If you are a gentleman who has been trying to gain a meeting with me and have not provided your name and information about you as well as pre-booking here is a little bit more of a insight to why I have either not corresponded with you or made your booking a priority.
Remember you have read my profile (should have) you know my occupation, age, heritage, likes/dislikes and have seen hundreds of photos with me- but if you don't think you need to provide me with your name and a little about yourself for me I find it rude as I do have a choice whom I engage with intimately just like you do. Respect me and treat me like a human being and I will treat you like that too- Same as bookings, look after me and I look after you.
Hugs and Kisses
Armarni B